
Francesco De Bon
Junior Researcher
Francesco De Bon is a Junior Researcher of PolySyc group since 2019. He has BSc (2013) and MSc (2015) in Industrial Chemistry with full marks from University of Padova (Veneto, Italy) and obtained his PhD in Chemical Sciences (2019) from the same University. In the same year he obtained his PhD in Chemistry from DGES after Recognition of Equivalence. During his PhD, Francesco developed electrochemical approaches for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (eATRP). His current research focuses on large volume homogeneous and heterogeneous eATRP, organic chemistry for ATRP and cellulose functionalizations. From 2022 his investigations activities will be dedicated to project PolyElectron – Large Volume Controlled Radical Polymerization powered by electricity, funded by FCT, started in September 2021.